People Unlimited

People Unlimited empowers organizations, leaders, (senior) managers, entrepreneurs, professors, specialists, individuals and teams of professionals in their quest for optimum power and excellence.

People Unlimited empowers your ability to create and maintain a high degree of personal well-being and effective action. You will encounter the specific mechanisms that allow you to take control of every aspect of your life: as a result personal growth and sustained professional success follow naturally.

People are the ultimate source of all results!
More than 70% of the opinion that clients form about your Brand Identity*, is based on their experiences with you and your People.

Programs for Success

People Unlimited delivers excellent programs to turn human potential into value for the benefit of our clients: capitalizing people’s hidden potential into effective action, passion and personal joy.

We empowers leaders and team members to achieve their (commercial) objectives in an increasingly challenging environment. We support you in building a collaborative and high performance culture. We focus on the basics and critical impact of human communication and effective relationships in order to achieve, or even surpass the intended team results.

Our human-centred approach and practical ‘no-nonsense’ working method enables participants to establish a broad foundation for productive, long-lasting and effective performance.

Results for individuals and (management)teams

Participants will get clear insight in their functioning and that of others in their personal and professional life. They will improve their ways of relating to themselves and to others, and to all circumstances of life (past – present – future) that determine their quality of life and daily results.

Previously gained theoretical knowledge and (work-)experience will be used more productively, which results into value for the benefit of our clients.

More specific results

  • Stronger relationships
  • More effective cooperation
  • Better quality of life, both private & professional
  • More daring action, fun and spontaneity
  • Increased employee commitment and goal-realization
  • Deepened loyalty to the organization
  • Heightened sense of purpose
  • Intensified passion and team spirit
  • Higher productivity in less time: efficiency
  • Enhanced communication and involvement
  • Better company knowledge-management
  • Dealing with emotions and confrontations
  • Increased self-confidence, initiative and energy
  • Fewer illness related absences
  • Clarity about work, motivation and ambition
  • Sales targets attained while building solid client relations.

People who have participated in our programs experience an exponential increase in their capacity to generate new results and objectives in life, not only for themselves, but also together with those they deal with daily.

Information about Programs for Success

Please contact us to receive the information you require.

Ronald Holm, COO Sales & Marketing, Operations at Yanmar Marine International

An extremely well planned and executed training titled “Mastering your Excellence MT" is really praiseworthy...

Arjan de Draaijer, Associate Director, KPMG Sustainability

Mastering your Excellence is a great opportunity for those who want to improve the quality of their personal and professional performance.

Ralph Wildeman, Director Compensation & Benefits, Akzo Nobel

It appeared to be a perfect preparation for my current managerial role of leading an international team of about twenty specialists, men and women, with different cultural backgrounds and ages.

Niels Groeneweg, PHD/Researcher at VU Amsterdam & Project Leader, Senior Policy Advisor at Agis Zorgverzekeringen

Top Qualities: Great Results, Personable, High Integrity. The training Mastering your Excellence is a perfect training for everybody who wants to consummate his performance and enjoy life more.

Bas Alblas, Technical Director Europe at Hudson

I encourage everyone who knows life has more to offer, to do this training!

Eva Slack, Vice President Sales, UPC NL

By the end of the year, the team turned around and delivered outstanding results by supporting each other to succeed not only in their own goals, but also contributed to surpassing the overall company targets.

Client relations & information

We value personal client relations. If you want to get acquainted, we invite you to contact us. We will be happy to answer your questions, personal or organizational, and to provide you with the (written) information you need.

*Brand Identity: How the brand owner wants people to perceive the brand – the branded company, organization, him/herself, employees, product or service. The brand owner will seek to bridge the gap between the brand image and the brand identity.

Contact us

Nico Koomans

Nico Koomans, Trainer People Unlimited

Senior trainer en oprichter van gespecialiseerd training bureau PEOPLE Unlimited. Nico heeft ruim 27 jaar ervaring met Leiderschap & Persoonlijke Ontwikkeling.

Lees meer over Nico Koomans ›

Nobel Prize Winner

phelps2Edmund Phelps:
"What exactly drives organizations and economies?"

"It’s awfully odd that we haven’t spent any time on attitudes.."
Waag je sprong!

Je wordt rijkelijk beloond!


Aron Stegenga, Senior Medewerker Materiële Controle, Achmea

Sinds het volgen van Mastering your Excellence in 2010 heb ik voor mij heel mooie resultaten behaald.
Durf je te gaan voor jouw succes?

Doe de intensieve persoonlijke training ‘Mastering your Excellence’ en ervaar direct welke jouw resultaten zijn!

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Wij bekrachtigen professionals bij de behoefte aan optimale kracht en excellence, bij het verwezenlijken en overtreffen van persoonlijke en professionele doelen.

Best gelezen artikelen
'De kloof tussen denken en succes'.

'Persoonlijke Ontwikkeling in je professionele omgeving'.

'De fundering voor succes'.