Niels Groeneweg (31)
The training Mastering your Excellence was a tremendous positive experience for me. Doing research activities at the VU in Amsterdam I used to experience a constant pressure on my planning and time. This resulted in stress and often in rigidity in my communication with myself.
Mastering your Excellence provided me with great insight and absolute clarity in my creation of productive and counterproductive behaviour. This insight resulted in a much higher focus and the enjoyment of a better quality of cooperation. I learned to use excellent communication tools to be more effective and confident in my personal and professional life.
The trainer is thorough and determined and has a great sense of humour. He is patient, a very good trainer, always empowering the participant by opening new ways for finding authentic solutions. He has shown to be easy to communicate with and he is someone who can be trusted.
Top Qualities: Great Results, Personable, High Integrity.
The training Mastering your Excellence is a perfect training for everybody who wants to consummate his performance and enjoy life more.