Ronald Holm
Yanmar is one of the world largest diesel manufacturers producing everything from fuel injection equipment to marine gear for most diesel-driven machinery on land and sea.
An extremely well planned and executed training titled “Mastering your Excellence” is really praiseworthy. The program learned skills through real individual life situations and has been an exciting and a unique experience.
This training provided me with the tools required to conduct myself graciously in both social and business situations. I started to realize how my lifestyle and private life depends on effective communication while professional success never endorsed me to accept this.
I appreciate the thoughtfulness behind “Master your Excellence”. This training offers a clear understanding for complicated and personal pitfalls. It navigates an individual through a path, that begins with knowing oneself, observing the environment and gaining a deep understanding of effectiveness in communication and intelligent etiquette in order to experience success!
The trainer learned to attract new opportunities and new vistas, enhances personal potential and paves the way for success.
I developed a higher degree of awareness and understanding of social processes that account for my social development. I developed an increased ability to create energy, happiness, togetherness and solutions within ‘known circumstances’. I undertake private life events that seemed impossible and enjoy them.
I am aware of possibilities to maximize favourable social interactions, relationships and psycho-social development in a diverse and complex social and professional life.